Thursday, December 15, 2011

Description of the Pardoner

He had bulging eye balls, and blonde hair.  He never wore a hat or a hood.

The narrator said he sang a lot and could winning over a crowd. He sang for the name of Jesus.

Me and the Pardorner have a lot in common. We both sing for the name of Jesus! I love to sing!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Description of the Summoner

The summoner was a scary-looking kind of guy. He had large pimples on his face. The text says that he loved Garlic and Onions. He also loved to drink, and when he got drunk he would resite things he had memorized.

I think the Narrator feels sorry for the summoner. The text talks of how ugly his was, and how he scared off little children, and that he was a varlet, meaning he was kind of a nuisance. I think that the narrator thinks he was nice and did a good job at being a summoner.

I think that the Summoner is probably very nice, but when he begins drinking, he probably is very obnoxious. I think people may not be very nice to him and probably are very ugly to him because of the fact he was a summoner, and had a funny looking face.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Description of the Reeve

The Reeve kept a shaved beard. He wore a long blue over coat, and had a rusty blade at his side. He wore his coat tucked in his belt.

The narrator describes the Reeve as not a very liked person. He was easlily angered, and not really a person you want to make angry, because he could get you in a lot of trouble. The Reeve was a rat!

I dont really think a lot of the Reeve. The text says that he rode in the back, i think he either wanted to watch everyone to see who he could snitch on, or he had nobody that liked him so he was kind of shunned to the back.

Description of the Manciple

The Manciple didnt have any formal education, but was a very smart man and very good at business. He couldn't read or right but was still a very intellegent guy.

I think the narrator is in an awe about the Manciple. I think he feels that is kind of ironic that he has no education, and cant read nor write, but yet is such a smart man. He is very good with doing business. The narrator says that in any legal case he could outdo anyone else.

I like the Manciple. He may not have been in a position where he could have been educated but he didnt use that as an excuse not make something of himself, nor did he use it as an excuse to be lazy.

Description of the Miller

The miller was very fat, had a long red beard, and a wart on his nose with a hair in it! GROSS! He wore a white coat with a blue hood. He was very strong.

I think the narrator is fearful of the Miller. He talks of how stong he is. I also think he thinks the Miller is good at his job, and knows how to scam people to make some money.

I really dont like the Miller. I think he is very boastful is very selfish. He thinks he can run over people. He also doesn't sound like he has a very good past.

Description of the Plowman

The plowman wore a tabbered smock (a jacket made of heavy fabrics) and he rode a mare.

I think that the narrator is very respectful of the plowman, as he was his brother the parson. The plowman was just like the parson and was very dedicated to his faith. The narrator says he was a very hard worker.

I think the plowman was very humble. It says he loves God with his heart and mind. He also wasn't affraid to work, and was always into charity. He put other needs before his own. He is true and faithful and goes by the commandments of the Bible.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

The Description of the Parson

The text describes his actions more than he does his physical appearance. Since the narrator has judged some of the others based on the things they wear, and everything he says about the Parson is good I would imagine the Parson dresses appropriately. Based on the Parson's actions and how holy he is, I would say that he dresses modestly.

The narrator actually likes the Parson. He really didnt like the Friar, and made of the Nun, and he actually likes the Parson. He describes him as the perfect priest, and talks about all his ways. Its kind of ironic how the narrator like people like the skipper who steak and kill people, and then all of the sudden likes the Parson.

I think the Parson had a heart of gold. He put everyones needs before his own, and it didnt take much to satisfy the Parson. I think the Parson was a true man, and i am inspired my his giving actions and how dedicated he is to his faith.